3rd Person Tweaks – CCR
A compilation of all my favorite 3rd person tweaks.
Requires SFSE and ConsoleCommandRunner
If you would like to not use CCR, you can use the following commands in console to enable this tweak in a bat file/StarfieldCustom.ini:
;;Make 3rd person collision better & faster
SetINISetting “f3rdPersonCollisionDelay:Camera” “-0.3”
SetINISetting “f3rdPersonCollisionDelayScale:Camera” “0.6”
SetINISetting “f3rdPersonDistanceLerpSpeed:Camera” “1.0”
SetINISetting “fCameraRecoveryMult:Camera” “0.6”
;;Increase 3rd person zoom
SetINISetting “fFarCameraDistanceOffset:Camera” “6.0”
;;QoL for TP camera
SetGS “b3rdPersonAimUseWeaponFOV:ThirdPersonCam” 0
SetGS “f3rdPersonAimDist:ThirdPersonCam” 0.429
SetGS “f3rdPersonAimDollySpeed:ThirdPersonCam” 6.000
SetGS “f3rdPersonAimFOV:ThirdPersonCam” 65
SetGS “f3rdPersonAimFOVAnimateSec:ThirdPersonCam” 0.150