Console Tweaks – CCR
This mod enables console command hotkeys, and increases console buffer.
Requires SFSE and ConsoleCommandRunner
If you would like to not use CCR, you can use the following commands in console to enable this tweak in your StarfieldCustom.ini:
;;CONSOLE HOTKEYS (StarfieldConsole.ini)
SetINISetting “bUseConsoleHotkeys:Menu” “1”
;;CONSOLE TWEAKS (buffer size, colors)
SetINISetting “iConsoleHistoryCharBufferSize:Menu” “65536”
How do I enable console hotkeys without something like AutoHotkey with this…?
You can enable hotkeys for console commands. For example, this command will enable a hotkey to toggle HUD/menu by pressing Ctrl+M:
hotkey Ctrl-M tm
The hotkey command will write to your `StarfieldConsole.ini` in your docs, next to StarfieldCustom.ini – go nuts!