MONSTERaider – Adorable Followers
Overhauls the appearance of female companions and crew members.
Here is the list of affected followers:
Constellation Members:
Sarah Morgan
Crew Members:
Supervisor Lin
Marika Boros
Sophia Grace
Betty Howser
Andromeda Kepler
Rosie Tannehill
Autumn MacMillan
Amelia Earhart
Detailed information about changes:
– Sarah Morgan’s face is influenced by Captain Diana Brackenridge from ECS Constant.
– Andreja’s face is influenced by Faith Connors from Mirror’s Edge, I will be releasing the tattooed eye later.
– Supervisor Lin is still herself, but younger and cleaned, with a different haircut.
– Marika Boros’ face is influenced by Rayna Marquez, with pink bob-hair.
– Sophia Grace’s face is influenced by Nyssa Marcano, I made her look like Zoe Saldana.
– Betty Howser’s face is just a gothic lady with total makeover.
– Andromeda Kepler’s face is influenced Liv Tylor.
– Rosie Tannehill’s face is influenced by Ana de Armas, I changed her outfit as well to suit her better.
– Autumn MacMillan’s face is influenced by Birgit McDougall, but kept her haircut.
– Amelia Earhart’s face is influenced by Valentina Gurov with white curly hair, I changed her outfit as well to suit her better.
– Hadrian’s face is influenced by Tanya from Mortal Kombat 1.
This ESM files are created with xEdit v4.1.4r.
Textures are modified with Photoshop, and Nif files are modified with Nifskope.
Sarah Morgan x Diana Brackenridge Voice Mod
Pekoe Brows
The Eyes of Beauty – Starfield Edition
Make sure the files are located inside Data folder in game directory
1- Install and use this mod Plugins.txt Enabler to activate the plugin.
2- Then open Plugin.txt located in C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Starfield
3- Add the ESM name in there it should look like this:
# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content.
*MONSTERaider – Adorable Followers.esm
– Remember to add a star symbol * before the line, otherwise the mod won’t be activated.
Or use this alternative method (not recommended):
1. Go to C:\Users\User Name\Documents\My Games\Starfield
2. Edit Starfield.ini and StarfieldCustom.ini and add this line under [General]:
sTestFileX=MONSTERaider – Adorable Followers.esm
3. Replace the X in “sTestFileX” with a number, if this is the first mod you have it should be 1
It should look like this:
sTestFile3=MONSTERaider – Adorable Followers.esm