Longer Spaceship Travel
Slightly prolongs the duration of the spaceship far travel animations.
Hi all, this is just another tiny tweak that I thought some people would appreciate.
It simply shortens the fade during far travel, so that it doesn’t take up half the animation duration.
I also added a teeensy bit of time to the animation itself, but unfortunately you can’t take it very far as the animation simply freezes once it reaches its final position.
Overall, the change to fade length made a big enough difference on its own that I was satisfied.
Put the .txt (“SpaceshipTravel.txt”) file in your game directory (steamapps/common/Starfield).
Then, add:
sStartingConsoleCommand=bat SpaceshipTravel
To your StarfieldCustom.ini (Documents\My Games\Starfield)
If you already have another .txt file launching with “sStartingConsoleCommand=bat” From your StarfieldCustom.ini, simply add the lines from SpaceshipTravel.txt to your existing .txt file.
Modifications are below:
setgs fSpaceshipFarTravelDepartureDuration 8.1
setgs fSpaceshipFarTravelEndFadeOutDuration 0.25