Unmitigated Violence and Eternitys Gate Legendary plus weapon perk configurations

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Unmitigated Violence and Eternitys Gate Legendary plus weapon perk configurations

Spawns Eternity’s Gate and Unmitigated Violence Legendary versions, but without the names, you can rename the weapons in the weapon bench. This mod also can change any weapon perk into my presets configurations perks.

To install:
unzip all files into main folder

To spawn the weapons:
– open Command Prompt and type:

bat eternity
bat violence

-close Command Prompt

*This will spawn the standard version of the weapons, so keep folowing to add legendary status

-open Command Prompt again and Click on the Item so it shows it’s ID (Ex WEAP XXXXXXXX)

– make sure you are selecting the weapon, and not the player or the ground, this is very hard, keep changing perspective until it selects, i have found luck letting the weapon in the right bottom corner of the screen and looking from very above

– then type the last code again to aply the vanilla status, – or you can use eternity perk on violence and vice versa:

bat eternity
bat violence

*you can use the upper arrow on keyboard to auto fill the prompt with the lastest inputed command

– or you can use one of the custom configuration perks sets listed in the next topic below :

when you close the prompt and pick up the item it will have 3 effects
and be legendary.

– go to the weapon bench and change names, then be happy!

To change any weapon configuration perks:
– Drop the item to mod on the Ground (Not in your ship as it is almost impossible to correctly select it in Command mode)

– open Command Prompt and Click on the Item so it shows it’s ID (Ex WEAP XXXXXXXX)

– make sure you are selecting the weapon, and not the player or the ground, this is very hard, keep changing perspective until it selects, i have found luck letting the weapon in the right bottom corner of the screen and looking from very above

– then type:

bat eternity
bat violence
bat pberserk
bat pelemental
bat pfast
bat pfrenzy
bat pknock
bat ppacifist
bat psniper

– when you close the prompt and pick up the item it will have 3 effects
and be legendary.

Configuration Perks Description:
pberserk.txt adds
amod 000EA117 ; Furious: Each consecutive hit deals more damage.
amod 0007D728 ; Incendiary: Randomly deals incendiary damage.
amod 000FA8D6 ; Explosive: Randomly switches to explosive rounds.

pelemental.txt adds
amod 000EA117 ; Furious: Each consecutive hit deals more damage.
amod 000FEA49 ; Lacerate: Randomly applies a bleed effect to the target.
amod 0031C0C5 ; Elemental: Randomly deals Corrosive, Radiation, Poison, and Incendiary damage.

pfast.txt adds
amod 000EA117 ; Furious: Each consecutive hit deals more damage.
amod 000FEA04 ; Rapid: +25% increase in attack speed.
amod 0031C0C4 ; Skip Shot: Every fourth shot fires two projectiles at once.

pfrenzy.txt adds
amod 000F2013 ; Instigating: Deals double damage to targets with full health.
amod 0008AB47 ; Corrosive: Randomly deals corrosive damage and reduces the target’s armor over 6 seconds.
amod 000FC8A4 ; Frenzy: Small chance to frenzy a target.

pknock.txt adds
amod 000EA117 ; Furious: Each consecutive hit deals more damage.
amod 000E8D64 ; Staggering: Small chance to stagger enemies.
amod 000FBD3C ; Concussive: Small chance to knock down targets.

ppacifist.txt adds
amod 000F2013 ; Instigating: Deals double damage to targets with full health.
amod 000EA13B ; Radioactive: Randomly deals radioactive damage and demoralizes the target.
amod 0031C0C6 ; Tesla: Rounds will sometimes emit electricity where they land that damages and slows nearby targets.

psniper.txt adds
amod 000F2013 ; Instigating – Deals double damage to targets with full health.
amod 00122F1C ; Hitman – +15% damage while aiming.
amod 000F4557 ; Shattering – Break through even the strongest armor.

To custumize your own Perk Configuration:
Each weapon has 3 level perks, listed bellow in order: perk1, perk2 ad perk3.

The quantity of perks determine the rarity of the weapon:
perk1 – uncomon
perk2 – rare
perk3 – legendary

it can be used to change specific perks, just be aware that:
perk 1 can only be swapped for another perk 1,
perk 2 can only be swapped for another perk 2,
perk 3 can only be swapped for another perk 3.
You cannot have more than one perk of the same level

– just type the configuration perk discription from the topic above directly on the game conslole, ex:
amod 000F2013 ; Instigating
amod 00122F1C ; Hitman
amod 000F4557 ; Shattering
edit the .txt files downloaded the same way
create new tx files and use them the same way

Author: N3M3515
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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