B.A.S.E. – Better container snapping
Get containers to snap in all directions and in better ways! Part of my original B.A.S.E. mod!
My original mod B.A.S.E. – Building Advanced Space Encampments (walls foundations and roofs for outposts and settlements) also included better container snapping, but I’m here by posting it as a standalone mod as well!
Mod only touches snapping templates for the containers and does NOT touch any of the container items/objects themselves!
New snap points allow you to snap forward and back, in addition to existing top/left/right. Also, I’ve added few snap points so your containers can now snap in more positions.
Check screenshots in the gallery to see what’s now possible!
Note: This mod requires SFSE and Plugins.txt Enabler same as my main mod, if you need more instructions please check that mod page!