Black Raven Spaceship
Save file at the very first mission which contains:
Black Raven, A class spaceship
50,000 credits
Ship service technician with the ability to procure all the parts you need.
Black Raven spaceship
• Reactor: 3xA with 56 power in combine • Speed: 140
• Crew: 8• Shield: 1050
• Ballistic: 51 • Missile: 298
• Laser: 10 • Cargo: 790
• Mass: 1170 • Fuel: 320
• Hull: 1328
Save also contains:
Ship service technician with the ability to procure all the parts you need.
50,000 credits.
Fresh save, only first mission “One Small Step” was started.
And most importantly very handsome character named “V”
Editing this ship will mess up ability to save it back, unless mod Ship Builder Unrestricted will be active.