Captain’s Locker Unlimited

Starfield Mods |

Captain’s Locker Unlimited

Removes the 40 weight restriction on the various Captain’s Lockers.

This mod was created by unofficial methods and tools. It does not have a proper Starfield ESP header. Since it’s not been decoded, even unofficial tools don’t really exist yet. This may cause Save Game corruption, crashes, set you hair or other things on fire, or just explode. Use at your own Risk. That said I’ve been using for a few days, and everything seems fine

Removes the 40 weight limit from the various Captain’s Lockers. That should be the only change, should be as safe as is possible right now

The old methods of loading plugins doesn’t currently work with Starfield, to force load a mod, install to the Data directory as normal, and the adjust your StarfieldCustom.ini It should look something like this, depending on if you have other things or not

If for some reason you already have another mod using slot 1, increment it up, it should support up to 10 mods via this method.

Mods will disable Achievements, you may want to run this with Baka Achievement Enabler

Standard warning, removing any mod from a creation engine game can cause save corruption.. Best to leave them until a new play-through.
That said, all that should happen for sure, is the 40 limit will be back, and you won’t be able to add anything additional to the locker, until you get it under that.
Remove the line from your StarfieldCustom.ini and remove the esp

Author: ViperLord
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