Closer followers – Followers stay closer and match your speed
This is a simple tweak to some AI parameters to make them stop lagging behind 20 feet, jogging, then stopping and repeating. Its not perfect. I tried to do a better job than this, but after many hours and failed experiments, this was the best solution I could find. I hope that someone else can make a REAL follower AI mod in the future.
Simply tweaks some AI follower parameters to make them stop lagging behind 20 feet, jogging, then stopping and repeating.
Instead, they should now follow you slightly closer, and match the speed (roughly) of the player.
Its nowhere near perfect, but from my testing, gives a far better feeling of exploring with your companions than the vanilla settings.
In order to enable the tweaks, put the .txt file in your game directory (steamapps/common/Starfield). Then, add:
sStartingConsoleCommand=bat CloserFollowers
To your StarfieldCustom.ini (Documents\My Games\Starfield)
In order to revert the changes, simply remove the txt file / launch command. The game will initialize with vanilla values at next launch.
The changes made by this mod are below – you can simply copy and paste these if you know what you are doing:
setgs fFollowExtraCatchUpSpeedMult 0
setgs fFollowPlayerAlwaysSprintDistance 15
setgs fFollowPlayerformationStopNewPathPoint 6
The original values are here:
setgs fFollowExtraCatchUpSpeedMult 0.4
setgs fFollowPlayerAlwaysSprintDistance 30
setgs fFollowPlayerformationStopNewPathPoint 8
Enabling / Disabling in-game
I’ve included the vanilla values in a txt file (ResetFollowerAI.txt).
If you put it in your game directory (steamapps/common/Starfield), you can open the console and run “bat ResetFollowerAI” to revert to vanilla without relaunching the game.
You can go back to the modified values by typing “bat CloserFollowers”.
I don’t plan on improving this or updating it, but anyone else who has any ideas is more than welcome to take over. If anyone makes any good suggestions I’m happy to include them as well.