Combined Gameplay Tweaks

Starfield Mods |

Combined Gameplay Tweaks

There are plenty of tweaks mods on nexus, but I wanted to make my own mod with only quality of life improvements and without getting overboard of vanilla experience.

This mod based on Console Command Runner utility, which means you don’t need to run bat file to enjoy this mod.

Features and changes:
– Faster waiting menu (1 hour of game time = 1 second of real time)
– Increased ship cargo transfer distance (250m in vanilla / 1200m in my mod)
– Increased mines delay to prevent them of blowing up instantly
– Increased distance of spaceship looting (500m in vanilla / 900m in my mod)
– Reduced ridiculously high ship registration fee (82% in vanilla / 48% in my mod)
– Increased maximum number of ships owned by player (10 in vanilla / 15 in my mod)
– Reduced the number of scans to fully survey plants or creatures (8 in vanilla /6 in my mod)
– Increased scanner range for social perks (30m in vanilla / 40m in my mod)
– Increased minimum exp gain from using cooking station, spacesuit workbench and weapon workbench (1xp in vanilla/ 5xp in my mod)
– More custom landing sites (4 in vanilla / 8 in my mod)

How to Install:
Use mod manager (Mod organizer 2)

Make sure you have StarfieldCustom.ini created in Documents/My games/Starfield (If you don’t have this file you can create it)
Type these lines in StarfieldCustom.ini

Author: Gerald
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