Customizable Food Drinks Chem Duration and effect
Changes the duration and magnitude of foods, drinks and chems. Very customizable.
I can’t change individual items since this uses console commands and some items are unaffected because they don’t use common effects. Stuff that have a time slow effect are unchanged since they’re already pretty strong.
By default this changes the following durations :
60s -> 5 minutes
2m -> 10 minutes
3m -> 15 minutes
5m -> 30 minutes
8m -> 45 minute
10m -> 1 hour
12m -> 1 hour and 30m
15m -> 2 hour
30m -> 4 hour
1 hour -> 8 hour
2 hour -> 8 hour
Magnitude is unchanged apart from xp bonuses going from 2% to 10%
Feel free to customize the txt file to your liking, you only need to change the numbers at end of each line. You may need to save and reload to update the item descriptions but it will still work.
Installation :
Drop the txt file into your Starfield base folder (where Starfield.exe is) and add this line to your StarfieldCustom.ini (create one if you don’t have one) under [General] (make one if you don’t have it) :
sStartingConsoleCommand=bat foodtweak
If you use another mod like this add ;bat foodtweak at the end of sStartingConsoleCommand= like this :
sStartingConsoleCommand=bat mods;bat foodtweak