This is an all-in-one standalone version of my 4 previous major ship interior mods. This single mod gives you:
– Place (and block) Ladders Anywhere
– Place (and block) Doors Anywhere
– Ship Interior Ramp
– Custom Hab Spine Glass Enclosures
DerreTech is currently a subsidiary of Hopetech, and all parts are found at the HopeTown ship services technician. This mod does not replace anything from the game. All portholes/windows and the Hab Spine from the vanilla game are preserved, unlike in the old versions of my mods
The ladders that you force into the game are not interactable, so you can’t spend 18 minutes watching your character go up it. I’m working on adding this feature. You just have to boost up for now.
Also no physical, swinging doors yet. Just open doorways.
The ramp does not make a “real” connection. The forward hab will not be connected to the aft hab with just the ramp- you will have to connect the forward hab to the rest of the ship with scaffolding or something. You also will get errors if the cockpit’s only path to the docker/bay is through a ramp- the cockpit needs a “traditional” connection to the rest of the ship without a ramp.
The game is always going to make a path into every connected hab that it can, and the game will always make a path from the cockpit to the bay and to the docker. Keep that in mind if you find that you can’t block certain doors- make a new path that the ship can use instead, and then go back and block that original door.
In the video above, the way I say to block the placement of a door is to place only one of my DerreTech Doorways, but a better way to do it is to add one of the vanilla Porthole Port/Stbd instead of one of my DerreTech Doorways like I did in the video. I’ve created a new dedicated module for this, it’ll be included in V1.1
Currently there’s no good way to force/prevent fore/aft doorways other than taking advantage of Hab Spines; I’ve created a solution for this, it will be in V1.1
If you’re having a problem and something isn’t working like I showed in the videos, please record your own video showing 1) you following the instructions from the video and 2) the problem. Or at least provide some screenshots so I can see what’s going on. Without a clear video showing the problem, I’m going to have to ask a million questions to find out specifically what’s going on.
0. Completely remove any of the old versions of my 4 mods, if you have any.
1. Adjust the ship building tolerance setting yourself by opening your StarfieldCustom.ini in the
Documents folder for the game and add the lines
If you get into the game, and all of my modded pieces are there, but they’re highlighted red and you can’t place them, that’s an issue with ship builder tolerance. You’ve probably used a mod that permanently changed the “fShipBuilderModuleOverlapTolerance” value. You’ll have to check for any references to this value in all of your .ini’s.
2. Install Plugins.txt Enabler and follow all of its instructions. Once you’ve got that set up and working, go to your Plugins.txt in C:\Users\you\AppData\Local\Starfield and at the bottom add the line
If you go into your game, and nothing from my mod is there, this where you’ve gone wrong. You can be sure my mod is loaded into the game by opening the command console with ` in game, and typing “help derre” without quotes. If there’s nothing there that says “Derretech” in that list, then Plugins.txt Enabler is probably not installed correctly/fully.
3. Use a mod manager to handle the download, extraction, and placement of the files. Everything goes in \Data
If you see my modded pieces in the ship builder list, but all of the pieces are completely invisible when you try to place them, the .nif files were extracted into the wrong folder. This seems to be a fairly common problem, so it was probably something I did. It might just be Vortex users having this problem.
My unofficial to-do list (in no particular order)
– Make dedicated fore/aft doorway forced connections
– Make the ramp a “real” connection that the game recognizes so you don’t have to connect the foreward hab via scaffolding or anything else
– Make ladders interactable
– Add interactable doors in the forced doorways
– Add ramps in different directions
– Add Glass Enclosed Cross Brace Habs (DerreTech Hab Spine rotated 90degrees)
– Add stairs in addition to ramps
– Make modules available in the outpost shipbuilder and elsewhere
– Add collision to Hab Spine exteriors
V1.1 is underway. Here’s what will be included (as of now)
– I’ve created the meshes I need for Fore/Aft forced doorway connection, I just need to do the XEdit busy work to add them into the game
– I’ve created meshes for dedicated Door Cap pieces- Fore, Aft, Port, Stbd. These are specifically designed to block doorways, not poke out the other side of the hab, and create reliable collision to prevent you from clipping through from one side to the other. Again, just need to do the XEdit busy work. It will take a while.