DRIPGADO – Spacesuit and Clothing

Starfield Mods |

DRIPGADO – Spacesuit and Clothing

This mod makes a Black & Gold or a Black & Silver version of Delgado’s Outfit + Stealth Helmet, as well as an image replacement to the Ranger Armor so you can also use it as a spacesuit!

Replaces the Ranger Spacesuit with Delgado’s Outfit & Stealth Helmet.

Only meshes. You can Install/uninstall it at anytime.
Can be worn as just an outfit, spacesuit, or both!
Transparent Booster
Any Delgado retextures will automatically apply.

1) Unpack it into your Documents Starfield folder.
2) Create the StarfieldCustom.ini file in your Documents\My Games\Starfield folder, containing the next text:


This mod has a transparent Booster Pack.
If you would like to edit the perks of booster, add the attributes before you apply this mod using the charts below.

Simply delete the added provided folders found in your Documents.

Console Commands
player.additem (CODE)
Ranger Spacesuit – 00227CA0
Ranger Pack – 001E2AF7
Ranger Helmet – 001E2AC1
Delgado’s Outfit – 0022771F
Stealth Helmet – 0016E0C3

You can use .amod commands to customize the gear to replace the perks you had or to your liking!

Don’t care for immersion and want a helmetless version anywhere?
Check out Moonling’s mod for Hidden Suits anywhere.
Hide Spacesuit Anywhere

Armor Modifiers:
To adjust your suit’s quality values (phys/energy/em res):

11E2B9Quality_04 (Advanced)

You can add 1 to 3 modifiers to an armor to increase it’s rarity. 1 mod is (Rare), 2 is (Epic), 3 is (Legendary).
Add these mods to your armor with the same command you used for quality.

Mod Group 1

sensor chip 002c43db+20% acc while moving
sentinel 000be54075% chance to take 50% less dmg while not moving
headhunter 002c43dc+25% dmg on next attack after a headshot
armor plated 002ede59-10% dmg from physical,energy and em
mechanized 000be542+40 carry capacity
assisted carry 002ede4freduces o2 consumption while encumbered by 75%
incendiary 0000298310% chance to ignite nearby attackers
mirrored 00059ae84% chance to reflect attacks
repulsing 0006029d5% chance to disarm nearby attackers

Mod Group 2

o2 boosted 000690b0+20% oxygen
combat veteran 001336be-15% dmg from humans
beast hunter 001336bd-15% dmg from aliens
chameleon 001336c1makes you invisible in sneak while not moving
ablative 0013369c-15% incoming energy damage
incendiary 0000298310% chance to ignite nearby attackers
sturdy 00133699-15% incoming melee dmg
o2 filter 000690ae-25% oxygen consumption
bolstering 001336c6grants up to +100 energy and physical resistance, the lower your health
technician 001336bc-15% dmg from robots
anti-ballistic 0013369e-15% incoming dmg from ranged weapons

Mod Group 3

fastened 002ede4e+20 carry capacity
auto medic 000c9a43automatically use a med pack when hit and health is below 25%, 60s cd
galvanized 000710f7+25 corrosive resistance
incendiary 0007d728randomly deal fire damage (works with the other incendiary mod too)
liquid cooled 000710f6+25 thermal resistance
resource hauler 00060293resources weigh 25% less
analyzer 000690af+10% dmg to scanned targets
leadlined 000710f5+25 radiation resistance
hacker 002c43da+2 max auto attempts that can be banked while hacking
weapon holsters 00060295 weapons weigh 50% less
acrobat 000710fdreduces fall dmg by 50%
antiseptic 000710fa+25 airborne resistance
staggering 000e8d64small chance to stagger enemies

Author: SniperNamedG
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