Easy new game plus cheat
Use “Bat Starborn” without the quotations, in the console and this will spawn about 1000 of each resource, add 10 Million carryweight, grant a huge amount of ammo, grant a huge amount of credits, and add every starborn armor set into your inventory.
Step 1: Place .TXT file into your Starfield installation folder.
Step 2: Done.
This is just a BAT file i made for myself when i go into NG+ it saves me time, this is most definitely a cheat.
Press the “~” key and input “bat starborn” into the console to spawn anywhere from 1000-2000 (weighted by the ones i ran out of fastest) of each resource, add 10 Million carryweight, grant a huge amount of ammo, grant a huge amount of credits, and add every starborn armor set into your inventory.