Enhanced Ship Modules

Starfield Mods |

Enhanced Ship Modules

Enhanced modules for use in the Ship Builder, including the following:
Enhanced Class C engines to provide solutions for your ship that will meet and exceed the best engines available in the base game. These engines from various manufacturers are set up to be used in two, three, four and six engine arrangements to suit your design.

Enhanced Class C reactors that will provide sufficient power in a compact package, to facilitate builds utilizing the full potential of what is allowed in the game. The compact design will only require one space in your ship structure.

Enhanced Class C grav drives in a compact design to provide full grav jump power while only occupying one slot.

Enhanced He3 fuel tanks to provide extended fuel capacity.

Enhanced Class C shields with increased strength and enhanced capabilities to protect your valuable ship. crew and cargo.

Enhanced cargo bays from a variety of manufacturers to provide flexible cargo solutions with extended capacities, including several shielded options. A version of each of the cargo halls provided in the game has also been added to the cargo bay section of the shipbuilder that has actual cargo capacity to suit the size of each hall.

More powerful landing gear in several styles from several manufacturers have been added to facilitate more flexible builds suitable for the expanded capabilities of the enhanced ship modules that are now available to you.

Note that each enhanced module provided by this mod will only be available in the Ship Builder if you are in a location where other modules of respective listed manufacturer are also available.

Starfield Script Extender
Plugins.txt Enabler

Follow the instructions at Plugins.txt Enabler to create the Plugins.txt file and add the following line to it:
Then you can either download and install with one of the mod managers, or unpack the compressed file and place EnhancedShipModules.esm into your Starfield/Data folder.

The pictures above are images of rebuilds of some of the more common ships in the game that are possible through the use of Enhanced Ship Modules.

Author: Chokehold
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