Experimental Combat and Stealth AI Tweaks

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Experimental Combat and Stealth AI Tweaks

Game Setting tweaks that should make AI less dumb and more deadly. Changes 81 hidden settings to attempt to accomplish this. I wanted to make the AI harder by decreasing their built-in delays, increasing their reaction times, increasing their accuracy, and fixing their short-term memory loss. Using LiveINI and testing/documentation from various settings from Fallout 4 and 76 I came up with the script in the files tab. All the settings and their intended purpose or what they do is there; I’d post it here but Nexus breaks the formatting and makes it unreadable if it thinks it’s a javascript event or something. Currently the script tweaks 81 settings, but due to the lack of documentation in general the settings may not be acting as I assume they are, or they may not even be used at all and are legacy settings from previous titles.

TL;DR of changes-
Combat is deadlier overall, you deal more damage, they deal more damage, but not to an absurd degree where everything is a one-shot unless you’re properly built for that.
Stealth should be harder with enemies being generally more aware and willing to search for you longer.
AI should be far more aggressive; they will attempt to push you by moving from cover to cover while their buddies suppress you. If you’re holding still they will almost certainly flank and hit you from the sides. This is most obvious when trying to snipe into POIs on planets.
AI should be generally more accurate and handle their recoil better, though they’re still pretty helpless when it comes to long range spray and pray. Suppressing fire is still inaccurate and only serves as a distraction to let their rushers get closer.
AI should have less delays on their actions, they should spend less time trying to decide what to do and more time just doing it. This includes closing to melee distance to bash, throwing grenades while suppressing, or simply acquiring and firing at you.

If you have corrections for the settings or suggestions to improve them, please let me know! This script was made entirely with trial, error, and anecdotal experiences.

Installation Instructions:
Put Combat.txt in your My Games/Starfield directory and either execute ‘bat Combat’ in-game or add it to your starting console commands in StarfieldCustom.ini. If you don’t have a StarfieldCustom.ini yet, grab one of the many prebuilt ones (or mine) and then do the above instruction.

If you already have mods that change the settings this one alters you can run my script afterwards by putting the ‘bat Combat’ afterwards or removing the offending tweaks, such as deleting the damage mult changes if you have a mod that does that already.

Author: NickMillion
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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