Fallout Vault-Tec Laser Cutter
“Building a Better Future underground”. Vault-Tec themed laser cutter inspired by Fallout games.
Currently the mod includes two versions:
Version A – with yellow line just like in vanilla
Version B – with yellow line that goes around the top (inspired by Old Mars preorder bonus)
I also included Vault-Tec themed warning stickers.
plans for future updates: Nuka-Cola skin and replacement for Heller cutter
How do I install this thing?
1. Download the mod
2. Extract Data folder to C:\username\Documents\My Games\Starfield
3. In the same location create StarfieldCustom.ini (if you don’t have it already) and add these lines:
How to remove it?
– Remove files from C:\username\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\Textures\weapons\lasercutter