Faster Outpost Production

Starfield Mods |

Faster Outpost Production

These bat files will allow you to set how fast you want outpost production to be.

1. Drop both bat files (ground.txt/atmos.txt) into your Starfield game directory. You can modify the .txt files to the amounts you’d like, by default I have them set to 0.01 which is 100 times faster. Lower Fractions = faster, Higher Fractions = slower. Negative whole numbers act the same as positive whole numbers.
Example: 10 = 10 times slower, -10 = 10 times slower, 0.001 = 1000 times faster

2. While in game, build an outpost extractor and power source and stand close to the extractor + facing it (you can use pre-existing extractors as well)

3. Open the command console (using “~”), click on the extractor (it should show CONT ” (FF0570E5) <- this ID will be different for you) and type:

bat ground//for extractors


bat atmos//for vapor extractors

4. On the extractor’s next cycle it will update the new production speed.

This effect is permanent and persists through quitting and loading unless you delete your extractors from your outpost in which case you will have to select them again and execute the batch files.

NOTE: If “bat atmos” isn’t working for your vapor extractors then use “bat ground”, system seem a little wonky at times.

Author: Vain117
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