High-Res Graffiti

Starfield Mods |

High-Res Graffiti

High-resolution 4K or 2K of all graffiti. Original texture files were mostly 1024 resolution. I have upscaled all of them to 4K and 2K resolution. 2K resolution should be you used if you have a low VRAM GPU. If anyone can find any graffiti artwork in game, please upload a picture of it to here.

Extract the .ba2 files to your Starfield \Data folder. ex: \steamapps\common\Starfield\Data
Then open up Starfield.ini and find “sResourceIndexFileList=” and then add the following lines separated by a “,”

sResourceIndexFileList=4K_Graffiti – Textures.ba2

Not working with gamepass version as of now. The loose files work, but it would be about 25gb of loose files that would go into your documents folder. So I won’t upload those.

These mods are not for potato PC’s as your VRAM usage will go up. I recommend to have at least 10gb of VRAM. But I have not tested on older GPUs.

I will be releasing many more upscaled texture mods. There are lots of textures in the game that are so low quality that its a joke they were even shipped with the game. Obviously the textures were optimized for console, and they didn’t bother to change it for the PC port.

Author: CnRJay
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