In-Game FOV Changer
Lets you permanently change the FOV In-Game, so that you can immediately see if it looks right.
– Simply unzip the provided file into the game’s base folder: e.g. “SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield”
– Open the console using the tilde (~) key
– For First Person FOV: Run “bat fpp100” to set the FOV to 100, or any other number between 70-120, in steps of 5 (e.g. “bat fpp95”)
– For Third Person FOV: Run “bat tpp100” to set the FOV to 100, or any other number between 70-120, in steps of 5 (e.g. “bat tpp95”)
– To uninstall the mod / revert the settings, simply set FPP to 85 and TPP to 70 (Those are the vanilla values)
– The changes will be permanent (You only have to run it once, even when leaving the game), and don’t require manually editing the .ini file