Inmersive fast travel (Portable Grav Drive Pack)

Starfield Mods |

Inmersive fast travel (Portable Grav Drive Pack)

Are you tired of the inmersion-breaking of fast travels (from POI to POI, through cities…), but you don’t want to spend hours running to places? This is the solution I found. Portable Grav Drive Pack, boost yourself forwards.

If you want to use achievements (because this mod uses commands that disables them), make sure to use this: Achievement enabler. This works for this purpose. I tried other but didn’t.

Disable fast travel so you are not tempted to use it. My solution: forget about storages. Carry everything you find in your bag. I currently have 1800 mass on my shoulders. Always overencumbered. But with this command you can change your carry weight to a value close to your current mass so you almost don’t consume oxygen when running.

player.setav carryweight ???

First, open this path (create the file if it doesn’t exist).

Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini

Add the following:


(Remove all the —, for some reason it bugs here)

With this, we are able to use console commands with a single key press, not opening the console.

Create a new file in this path.

Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldConsole.ini

And add this.

W=player.setav speedmult 100
S=player.setav speedmult 10000

Change the W and S with any other key you want to use. First one will be the key to turn off your Portable Grav Drive Pack, second one to activate it.

DONE! Now, when playing, if you press the second key, it will automatically run the command, put your speed to 10000. Sprint and jump, and you’ll move at a grav drive boosted speed to your POI without fast travels. When done, first key will disable it. Use your imagination to imagine some sparks and some speed-effects.

If you are playing with a controller, at least in Steam, with Big Picture mode you can bind any controller button to any keyboard key, and it works. For example, I mapped the Start and Select buttons (Options and Share) of my PS4 controller to W and S, to ON/OFF the Portable Grav Drive Pack, because they are not used.

Author: Raziel Lewach
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