Instant Potato Mode (FPS Boost)
TLDR: Uses several console commands which can massively help your FPS at the expense of awful potato graphics.
Uses a console command to toggle shadows and lighting on or off. Can massively boost your frame rate in areas where you’re limited by your GPU.
It also disables TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) through console commands.
It kinda looks like the Full Bright setting on older Call of Duty games.
Useful if you’re just looking to play the game on really bad hardware and don’t care about visuals at all.
Move the autoexec.txt to your game directory.
When in game, type in the tilde ` key (below escape), type in ‘bat autoexec’ without the quotation marks and hit enter.
NOTE: You may have to enter it twice, so just hit the up arrow on your keyboard and then hit enter again.
In theory, it should work automatically with the line ‘sStartingCjavascript-event-strippedbat autoexec’ in your StarfieldCustom.ini, but it doesn’t seem to work for me even though the commands have been clearly applied in the console. YMMV.