Japanese Steel – Real Katana
Replaces the dull looking blade of the base game’s wakizashi with realistic folded steel pattern.
The traditional Japanese katana are made with a combination of high and low carbon steel, this allows for a more durable sword capable of absorbing impact, while also having a sharper cutting edge. The Japanese term hamon (刃文) translates to blade pattern. A blacksmith hardens the steel by folding, which along with the carbon concentration of the steel, creates the unique wavy line called the hamon.
Extract the zip and copy the contents of the Data folderinto in Documents\MyGames\Starfield\Data
Steam Setup
Make sure you have StarfieldCustom.ini in Documents\My Games\Starfield with the following lines:
Gamepass Setup
In the Starfield.ini found in C:\XboxGames\Starfield\Content put the following lines under [Archive] :