Legendary Effect Modification

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Legendary Effect Modification

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This mod contains a bunch of batch files that allow to easily modify (apply and replace) the legendary effects on your equipment. Previously you had to manually search for or remember the desired effect’s 8-digit hexadecimal FormID to apply that effect to an item. With this mod you don’t have to remember any weird numbers, you can apply the effects based on their effect names.

The batch files are named after their effects, their tier (T1-T3), and the item type (armour or weapon) they are compatible with. So, if for instance you’d want to apply the Furious weapon effect to one of your weapons the batch name for that effect would consist of the following:

– Furious is the effect name, so “Furious” is the last part of the batch. Spaces and Hyphens are removed.
– Furious is a Tier 1 effect, so “T1” stands before the effect’s name from before.
– Furious is a weapon effect, that leads to “Weap” being part of the batch name.
– And last we put “Leg” in front of it to identify it as a batch command related to legendary effects.

In summary this leads to the following command:
bat LegWeapT1Furious

If you intend to install the files manually feel free to do so but be aware that I won’t provide any assistance/support in this instance. Just drop the files into your game’s root folder, where the Starfield.exe is found.

As mentioned above this mod includes batch files that are executed by using the game’s console. I’ll explain how to use them based on an example:

Drop either a piece of armour or weapon which you want to modify on the ground.
– Open the console with the key specific to your keyboard’s language (see second image above): https://starfieldwiki.net/wiki/Starfield:Console#Accessing_the_Console_with_Non-US_Keyboards
– Left-click on the item on the ground. You should see a new line of text in the middle of the console, saying: WEAP ” (XXXXXXXX) or ARMO ” (XXXXXXXX). See the third image above for an example. If you have a hard time selecting the right item try to drop it in a less busy area and crouch in front of it.
– Then type “bat LegXXXXTYZZZZZZZZZ” (without the quotes). The X’s are replaced either with “Armo” or “Weap” depending on whether you modify a piece of armour or a weapon. The Y is replaced by 1, 2, or 3 and corresponds to the effect tier. And the Z’s are replaced by the name of the legendary effect you want to apply. Or you could simply use the commands listed above in the spoiler section.
– Once you applied/replaced all desired effects close the console again and pick up the weapon. You’re now good to go.

Compatible with everything because none of the game’s files were touched in the process.

Does this mod disable achievements?
Yes, using the console will disable achievements. You can use one of the following mods to work around that: Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE), Achievement Enabler, Starfield Achievement Enabler

Is it safe to uninstall mid-playthrough?
Yes, it is. This mod doesn’t contain anything that would be baked into your save.

There is another mod available that allows to modify these effects directly in game on workbenches. Why don’t you use that method?
Because these ESP files / Bethesda game plugins were hacked together with tools not meant to be used for Starfield and/or are still in development (experimental). The developers currently working on those tools warn about using these kind of mods right now. The creator of xEdit even asked mod authors to not misuse their work for things they aren’t meant to be used for. But some people simply don’t care.
If you’re fine with taking the risk of corrupting data in your saves and losing access to those saves in the long run then feel free to use those mods. I don’t want to take that risk. That’s why I created the batch files. Less convenient but safe. And once proper and safe modding tools are available I will create a full-blown legendary effect mod/overhaul just like I did with LEO in Fallout 4.

Author: Dank Rafft
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