Little Bug
Little Bug is small ship design what covers:
– all the essentials
– has very good mobility (100) and speed
– very compact
– mid/endgame viable
Little Bug is very compact Mid/Late game ship. You can use it early levels too, but you might be missing skills and levels to buy all of the modules.
But note, that all the modules are available at the main shipyards.
For this build we are focusing only 3 main shipyards:
– Volii system – Volii Alpha – Neon
– Alpha Centauri system – Jemison – Jemison
– Valo system – Polvo – Hopetown
Design concept is based on round corners and giving you as player much needed essentials, keeping the ship very tiny – only 19x12m.
Downside is:
– No Cargo (for that I recommend using different ship or using Outpost storage feature)
– Firepower and speed:
When it comes firepower and speed, then The Bug is no stranger to that. It can handle really well. With good mobility and speed also escape if needed.
EMP is more so as backup and fun thing, in case you fancy some on enemy ship action and loot (remeber to shoot those engines).
– Crew:
With max crew skills you have ability have 8 crew members with you + Sarah (who does not take crew slot)!
– Extra:
It has Bed for you to sleep and get that XP bonus, Workshop and Infirmary (Research station, Pharmaceutical Lab)
Follow step by step guide and you get it done in moments notice.
You also have ability to customize it bit further, with Equipment plates if you want to add extra optional modules from Crimson Fleet ship Vendor.
If you plan to use this build early levels, then obviously you need to adjust your build: Engines, Shield, Reactor, GravDrive, Weapons accordingly.
To get started:
1. Download the .rar file
2. Follow step by step picture guide.