M Class Modules and Ship Builder Unlock
This mod unlocks M class modules, and allows you to build M class ships. It also allows you to build your ships without length limitation. It’ll unlock all stages of Starborn Guardian too.
1. Unlock M class Modules.
2. Allows you to build M class ship.
3. Allows you to modify your ships with M class modules.
4. Allows you to build your ships without length limitation.
5. Allows you to land your ships that are beyond length limitation.
6. Unlocks all stages of Starborn Guardian.
Simply paste the txt. file into your game root folder (SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Starfield), start game and press “~” key to open console command, then type “bat mclassunlock”. And enjoy! BE NOTICE: you’ll need to re-type it everytime you start game since it’ll reset after closing the game.
1. It’s unclear what kind of bugs will occur while using it since it is unreleased content of game, so please use it with caution and save your game before using it! (I used this to modify a M class ship on a space station, and the ship crashed the docking area of the station…)
2. You’ll also need to type “bat mclassunlock” everytime you start game!