Mantis Black and Gold Custom With Worn Helmet and Gloves by Scotttyus1
Recolor of the Mantis Spacesuit Set toBlack and Gold, also added the gloves to make the whole set match.
Be aware, the gloves are a universal set, so if you plan to play the game only using this outfit it’s fine, but other outfits share the gloves and looks weird. Though if you want to wear other outfits and dont want the gold and black gloves, just take out the gloves in:
“Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\Textures\clothes\basegloves3”
.. then if you want to use the gloves as part of the mantis set again just add them back into the folder.
My Version has a custom design on the helmet and also I’ve made it look more worn by making a new Normal map for it.
Extract the ‘Data’ folder into ‘..\Documents\My Games\Starfield\
Don’t forget to add the StarfieldCustom.ini file into your Documents\My Games\Starfield. If you don’t have one, create a new txt and rename in StarfieldCustom.ini
add this line in :