Mantis Spacesuit – My Ecliptic replacer by Xtudo
Replaces the Mantis Spacesuit with the Eclipse Ecliptic Spacesuit. As I got several requests for this replacer, here it is.
– Only meshes. You can Install/uninstall it at anytime.
– Works with both genders.
– The Ecliptic helmet is open face, so your head will be missing/invisible. It’s not very noticeable, but if it bothers you so much, you can install an optional helmet replacer (they are closed face).
– It will be affected by any Eclipse Ecliptic recolor mod.
1) Unpack it into your C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Starfield folder.
2) Create the StarfieldCustom.ini file in your Documents\My Games\Starfield folder, containing the next text:
I made it for my game and now I’m sharing it, I hope you like it.
Any Suggestion? Just let me know.