Until modding tools are released and find their way on my desk
the version 0.1 of NAS is entirely done using game’s LUT:
– to clean visuals from colorgrading and muddy shades
– to color correct oddities from the game renderer
– to reharmonize colors and reorganize values
All this in order to make the game shine as much as possible.
This mod will evolve as I play the game and as modding tools release.
More to come in the future!
If you haven’t already modified StarfieldCustom.ini in order to allow the game to use loose files, create it if it does not exist in:
C:\users\%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini
In the INI file, add this:
Then simply download & install NAS with your usual mod manager,
or exctract the content of the zip into c:\users\%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Starfield\
I also provide an optional but recommended set of ini settings to make the game look better in the optional downloads
I apologize for the lack of proper screenshots but I haven’t had a chance to get very far in the game yet.