Nix’s Stellar Tanktop Outfit – Standalone
This is a simple, curvaceous outfit featuring a tank top and leather pants. These outfits are standalone and will not overwrite any existing assets.
Six different styles are included:
– Black camo with black pants
– Pink camo with gray pants
– Black and white chevron with black pants
– Black and white grunge with black pants
– Blue grunge with gray pants
– Blue splatter with gray pants
– You need the Plugins.txt Enabler at Starfield Nexus mod and know how to install .esm-based mods.
– Optional: SFSE and Baka Achievement Enabler to prevent console commands from disabling achievements.
How to get the outfit in-game
Use the console to add it in game:
help stellartank
If the mod was loaded correctly, you will see a number of ARMO lines in the output (see screenshot in the images), for example:
ARMO: Clothes_NixsStellarTanktop_BlackCamo (04000801) ‘Nix’s Stellar Tanktop (Black Camo)’
If you don’t see these ARMO entries, STOP: The mod wasn’t loaded correctly—fix your installation. If you need somewhere to learn how to get this working, I recommended trying out theenco’s Elektra mod which has better instructions than I can provide for how to do it (see the stickied posts). Come back when you are ready. Sorry, I cannot help with mod installation issues.
Note that the first two digits of your ID (04 in my case) may be different for you depending on how many mods you have installed.
Otherwise, if all is good, just add it with the following (substituting the ID as necessary):
player.additem 04000801
About requests
Sorry, I’m not able to take requests at this time. This includes conversions to other body shapes (VBB, XYZ, etc). I hope you enjoy these outfits as-is.