Nova – Punk Female Character Preset (Save File and Preset Sliders)

Starfield Mods |

Nova – Punk Female Character Preset (Save File and Preset Sliders)

My own character preset for Starfield. A cyberpunk inspired space scoundrel from Neon.

Update 2.2: Added missing slider images for complexion, dermaesthetics, facial forms and other skin-based features. Fixed save file.
Reuploaded mod after original page deletion.

Save game details:
Starts right after initial character creation. No mods needed.
Name: Nova
Background: Space-Scoundrel
Traits: Dream Home, Hero Worshipped, Neon Street Rat
Game Version: 1.0

Install Instructions:
Put the file from “Saves” into:
C:\Users\(YourUsername)\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves
(My documents -> My games -> Starfield -> Saves)


“Sliders” folder in the main file contains images of every slider. Uses Personnel Record #30.
If you are using Personnel Record #30 already, then simply go to to the edit character shop.
If not, then open the command console in game and type “slm 14”

Author: NovaH115
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