Starfield Mods |


This mod will come in handy if you want to add shop NPC’s to your own Outposts. I went through a ton of npcs and these below all work for me without problems, you can interact with them and buy / sell stuff.
They will also automatically refill stock after 24 local hours if you sleep. Some npc’s are random.

*You technically should be able to add these top 3 npcs to every outpost you make. I wouldn’t overdue it and spam too many, it will kind of ruin the gameplay imo. It may also cause issues / bugs. Do as you wish though.

**First thing a warning as with all mods I would HIGHLY recommend backing up your save game folder and save a couple times before using these commands in console. I am not responsible
if you break your game and possibly mix this with other mods that cause issues.

Instructions: You can use either the .txt files included in the main download or you can manually type the commands in console.
if you use the .txt files put them in the main root directory of your game. You still have to use the console for both methods, its just easier to remember the bat file names.

1. DR.(doctor) NPC SHOP that functions- player.placeatme 0026fdee in console OR bat dr in console

2. general trader SHOP, ship guns resources misc- player.placeatme 001a2c9d in console OR bat generaltrader

3. chunks employee SHOP- player.placeatme 001440d2 in console OR bat chunksemployee

If you mess up or if you need to delete or remove your added npcs, open console click on them and type disable but, BE CAREFUL what you click on. Always Save before changing things.

** You can technically spawn these NPC’s anywhere, but I intended this for Outposts where it would make sense. You can always build and design an area for each NPC as well and make it look really cool. I recommend adding Chairs / stools or crew stations close to where you spawn the new npc’s, sometimes some of them will sit in a random chair, etc.

Author: jrminate
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