(NSFW) Nudist Sarah

Starfield Mods |

(NSFW) Nudist Sarah

This modification is intended for the ones not able to make Sarah naked. If you’re wondering how I was able to hide Sarah’s default clothes: I used the swimsuit as a base, so I just replaced the swimsuit meshes with an invisible mesh and ta-da! Sara was wearing nothing but her shameless indecency.

1. VBB Voluptuous Body for Beauties by Irastris (If you want her to look like my screenshots, use 75% option)

1. Extract the “data” folder to /{User}/Documents/My Games/Starfield/
2. While in game, open Sarah’s inventory give her a swimsuit.
If you don’t have one, use the console command below:player.additem 0002FA4 1
3. Don’t forget to equip the swimsuit on her inventory

No Bras In Space by StarLoddy – Body texture (base texture)
SlutFilled by Samvegames – Body textures (retexture)
Otto VonSchneider (that’s me) – Meshes modification (replacement)

1. This modification will impact any female NPC/player wearing a swimsuit.
2. If you’re going to use it along with VBB mod, remember that, as any other modification related to body meshes (models), other clothing items will be not impacted, so they’ll keep the vanilla visual when equipped.

Author: Otto VonSchneider
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