NSO-2002 Devastator Class Heavy Corvette
My take on Cal Johnson’s warship featured in one of the greatest space simulators ever created by Particle systems (with Real Newtonian Physics). The successor to I-War and I-War Defiance.
Original vessel: Captured Crimson Fleet Specter II
Build time: approx 10 hours
NSO-2002 Devastator Class Heavy Corvette:
Mass:20,160t or 763 Units
Crew:5 (depends on interior configuration)
Jump Range: 28 Light Years
Capsule DriveReladyne RD-2000 Drive Class B
Maneuverability: 75 Units (calibrated)
Top Speed: 140 MGLT
Shield: 610 Units
Cargo: 580 units – ( 320 units shielded)
Offensive capabilities: Laser 20/ Ballistic 26 / Missile 58
1 x Rail Gun
2 x Laser Turrets
1 x Missile Launcher
Standard Interior layout:
Tayio layout – Deimos cockpit
– Infirmary 2×1
– All-In-One Birth 2×1
– Control Station 2×1
– Workshop 2×1
– Engineering Bay 3×1
NOTAMS: Can accommodate 2×2, and 2×3 compartment