Old Earth posters – outpost replacers
Really simple mod which replaces 10 random posters with well known sci-fi movie posters in the outpost builder.
They look pretty good!
To install:
Extract RAR file into: Documents\My Games\Starfield\
There are multiple selections to choose from. Choose only one main file for now, as they overwrite the same vanilla posters.
Old Earth posters – selection 1 contains:
A.I., Alien, Apollo 13, Blade Runner, Dune, E.T., Fifth Element, Mars Attacks, Total Recall, War of the Worlds
Old Earth posters – selection 2 contains:
Arrival, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hitchhiker’s Guide, Interstellar, Life, Planet of the Apes, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Species, Starship Troopers, The Martian
Old Earth posters – selection 3 contains:
Armageddon, Contact, Event Horizon, Gravity, Independence Day, Moon 44, Prometheus, Space Balls, Stargate, Star Trek: First Contact
Old Earth posters – selection 4 contains:
Annihilation, Dark Star, Death Race 2000, Edge of Tomorrow, Logan’s Run, Masters of the Universe, Chronicles of Riddick, Rollerball, The Thing, Tron Legacy
It is possible that in time, I can provide all these posters as individual items – however, these posters replace existing posters in the outpost builder, and there are only a total of 23 posters which can be replaced, so at the moment, I think having ‘selections’ is a better way to present this mod.
When the Creation Kit is released, I will look into adding these in as additionals.