Outpost Trade Kiosk
Constructible Outpost Trade Kiosk, has 400k credits, will buy stolen items and contraband. Zero edited vanilla records. Optional file with Skill Requirement available.
Your one-stop hassle free solution to selling your loot, contraband, and stolen items.
ESM Mod (SF1Edit Experimental) adding a constructible Trade Authority Outpost Kiosk to the Miscellaneous section of your Outpost Build Menu.
The Kiosk has 400k credits, will reset, and will buy stolen items and contraband.
Optional file requiring Outpost Management Rank 1 Skill is available for immersion purposes.
Install as you would currently for ESM files.
Potential Conflicts:
Since this mod edits ZERO vanilla records, no conflicts are anticipated.
If it gets full of stuff, you can always remove it and build another one.