Given the Razorleaf’s reputation and how it strikes fear into the heart’s of any pirate or spacer who recognizes it, I personally found that the vanilla design seemed a bit… underwhelming and generic.
So this design is intended to give it both an appearance befitting the name, and an OP build worthy of the reputation. It it actually based on a concept I did many years ago for a SW OC; an Imperial Agent, which is largely the driving force behind the Imperial grey aesthetic (all of which is freely available at CrystylCloud.com for those interested)
The internal layout is also thoughtfully configured, and styled through hab variants. It took a lot of experimenting to figure out workarounds for the door/ladder limitations but the end result is the below layout all connected with a single central ladder shaft (so you might want a mod that speeds up ladder movements! I just use my jetpack though)
===Deck 1===
– Bridge
===Deck 2===
– Captain’s Quarters (Port)
– CIC (Starboard)
===Deck 3===
– Mess Hall (Midship Fore)
– Computer Core (Midship Aft)
– Infirmary (Port Bow)
– Living Quarters (Starboard Bow)
– Storage/Engineering (Port Stern)
– Control Room/Workshop (Starboard Stern)
===Deck 4===
– Landing Bay (Midship)
– Armoury (Port)
– Brig (Starboard)
There is a sacrifice needed for this to work though, and that is some clipping of the interiors. The worst offender are the engine housings in the rear of deck 2, but I can live with them as it was more important to me to honour the original design. You may find an alternative that works better for you! You will also need something like Shipyard Unlock in order to achieve it, since the ship is slightly over the vanilla length restriction.
The included instructions also provide some BAT files needed to achieve the published result, but these are typically optional and cover details of alternatives for those who do not wish to use them. This also covers the installation of an internal decoration panel.