Realistic Stars

Starfield Mods |

Realistic Stars

Starfield version of my FO4 mod but better. Install to Data folder like other texture mods.

Based on real images, you can see the milky way. Attention was placed on fine detail and relative brightness. 8k only for now, only takes 32MB but will make smaller versions if required. It needs to be hires to produce convincing stars.

The real milky way is there as would be seen, but it´s much less bright than the source image to try and replicate roughly how it might look from a planetary surface in our neighbourhood. Note in the first image the milky way is visible but subtle.

It´s subtly different from the vanilla sky look, bethesda have made stars much better this time around so it might not be much of a difference. The look I wanted was that only the brighter stars shine but if you look closer there are infinite stars behind.

There’s an 8k and a 4k version, keep in mind these are only one texture and they need to be high res because they cover the sky and the whole idea of this mod is crisp looking stars. The 8k version uses 32MB of vram and the 4K uses 8MB.

Author: Coda13
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