Remove Scanner Circle
This mod will remove the large circle from the HUD when using the scanner.
– Choose ONE of the 3 versions available depending on the frame rate you want:
– Vanilla (30 FPS)
– 60 FPS (Created from the 60 FPS – SMOOTH UI mod by Fuzzlesz)
– 120 FPS (Created from the 120 FPS – SMOOTH UI mod by Fuzzlesz)
– Install with a any Mod Manager or extract the Data folder into Steam\Steamapps\Common\Starfield folder.
– If this is the first mod you have installed, make sure you have added the following lines in a file called StarfieldCustom.ini which should be located in \Documents\My Games\Starfield (create the file if it is not there):
This is my first ever Bethesda game mod, so please let me know if there are any issues, hints, or tips, you would like to share.