Resistance and DR Boost Pack bat file

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Resistance and DR Boost Pack bat file

Console commands that may greatly enhance the DR and ENV resistance of Suits/Outfits/Helmets/Hats etc.

我在Starfield Modifiers表格(中发现“mod_Clothes_XXXXX”类的modifiers可以在同一件装备上叠加,因此将这些modifiers整合为了一个bat文档。

How it works:
I browsed the sheet of Starfield Modifiers and discovered that modifiers named “mod_clothes_XXXXX” can stack on one single armor, therefore merged them into one bat file.
I guess these modifiers are used for defining DR and ENV resistance of *outfits* on normal circumstances.

输入bat resistance,回车执行。

Drop the txt file into your game’s root folder(steamapps/common/Starfield)。
Drop the piece of armor you wanna get modified on the ground, select it with your console by having the shown ID with [ARMO].
input bat resistance, enter to execute.

使用控制台指令会锁成就,如果在意请确保有先装好Achivement Enabler。
Using console commands will stop you from getting achivements, if you care about it, make sure you installed Achivement Enabler.

Author: 7OVA
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