Ship Boarding Crime Faction Fix
Fixes incorrect crime and companion disposition decrease given to the player for boarding hostile ships and fighting the crew, such as the infamous security captain.
– Sometimes you can encounter a hostile ship that is not of the usual pirate factions, perhaps from a quest. Rather than blowing it up, you might opt for some swashbuckling and board it.
– However, when you kill certain members of the crew, such as the infamous Security Captain, you get a bounty and your companions get mad at you.
– Some examples of reports on the internet:
— Boarding bug/glitch – Kill the enemy captain, everyone hates you.
— Matters of the Hart bug?
— Matters of The Hard Bug
— Is there any way to have Sam not hate me during the “matters of the hart” quest?
— Companion disliked me boarding and clearing out enemy ship
— Bug forced me to do something my companion hated
— Companion ship boarding glitch
— [Bug] The matter of Hart
— [Bug] Boarding an Outlaw Ship has me fighting “good” Security staff
— Companion getting angry with me after boarding a pirate ship?
– After you board, the game is suppose to generate a crew via script, and set their crime faction based on the ship’s crime faction, but this script doesn’t clear the crew’s crime faction if the ship is a CRIMINAL ship with no crime faction.
— For example, the Security Captain remains a part of the UC, and you get a UC bounty when you kill them, even though they command a criminal crew.
– Before you board, the crew is not yet generated, so you are free to blow up the criminal ship without consequence. However, as soon as you board, the crew gets generated, and even if you back out of the boarding action and return to your own ship, blowing up the ship now will be considered killing the crew.
– Reported to the community patch here.
– This mod fixes this by making sure the crew’s crime faction is cleared if the ship is a criminal ship with no crime faction.
– This mod only works for new ships you board going forward. It won’t fix any ships you’re currently boarding.
– Use a mod manager such as Mod Organizer 2.
– Whenever. Doesn’t matter.