Spawn Enemy Encounters
Spawn enemy squads from different factions and at varying difficulties! Game Master your own game! Defend your base! Start an illegal intergalactic arena!
Currently only Ecliptic, Pirates, Spacers, Va’ruun and Crimson Fleet are available, but I want to expand this to all combatant factions (+ terramorphs) soon!
The difficulty scale is a rough estimate. Getting accurate info on enemy levels is hard rn.
Say I want to set up an encounter.
I’ll start by running the bat place command, which will toggle clipping, toggle NPC AI and speed up my movement.
I fly around to where I want to put a squad and type in bat EE2. That’s E [Ecliptic] E [Easy] 2 [Variation 2]. At the moment there are three variations on three difficulty tiers. So I could fly around somewhere else and type in bat VM3 [Va’ruun Medium Variation 3].
I then fly back to where I want to start the encounter and type bat xplace. This will toggle AI and clipping, as well as returning my speedmult to normal.
Unpack the files into your root folder. Every file should be in the same folder as the game’s .exe.
Check the bat files to see what commands you can run. Some factions already have 5 variations on each difficulty tier.
Future Plans:
When I’m feeling less lazy I’d like to make five variations of all the difficulty tiers. If anyone has any resources on enemy IDs and their respective levels I’d love to hear about it.