Spectre Battleship
This is my first mod so bear with it. Spectre – Powerfull “C-Class” Battleship. Fresh save file You start with a better class C ship and also 68.000 creds. only first mission One Small Step was started, level 22 + Pilot skill reach level 4.
2 type B and C Reactor
2 Scan Jammer
3 Shield
3 Shielded Cargo
6 Crew
4 Habs
NOTE! : Editing this ship will ruin your ship, unless you have this mod Ship Builder Unrestricted
Requirements mod for editing this ship
Ship Builder Unrestricted by Kuro
Shipyard unlocked by Velken
put the save file in C/user/document/mygame/starfield/saves
Use console command : “showlooksmenu player 1” without quote
to change your character, traits and other things if you want.