StarMap Enhanced Zoom

Starfield Mods |

StarMap Enhanced Zoom

This Mod / INI setting gives more freedom of control when exploring the StarMap Menu by increasing the thresholds for Zoom (FOV) and pitch/yaw rotation controls.

Add these settings to your Custom INI file or download the Custom INI in the Files Tab:


Zoom enabled (This value is binary. Changing the ‘1’ to a ‘0’ will disable the increased FOV in the StarMap Menu)
ZoomMax increased from 45 to 90 (Affects how many star systems you can see in the StarMap Menu. Larger values give a wider FOV)
Pitch increased from 15 to 30 (Affects the vertical rotation angle in the StarMap Menu. Larger values equal larger pitch angle)
Yaw increased from 15 to 60 (Affects the horizontal rotation angle in the StarMap Menu. Larger values equal larger yaw angle)

Further increasing any of the values listed above can cause some visual distortions and unusual effects in the StarMap Menu.

You may notice two new distant Star Systems in the StarMap. These systems are _TEST1 and _TEST2 and they aren’t intended to be accessible. When viewing their SystemMap there are no visible celestial objects. Attempting to access either of these Systems may have game altering effects. Do so at your own risk.

Author: JustDannyIRL
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