Starvival – Immersive Survival Addon
Starvival – Immersive Survival Addon, provides a fully working NEEDS mechanic with stages, new addictions and full list of other complimentary features. Concider to prepare thoroughly, Starborn!
After loading a game you will get a little introduction message about activating NEEDS mechanic and a little book. After a couple of seconds all systems will launch and notify you on Apple HUD Watch.
Note: If you starting NEW GAME, introduction message will pop out after landing on Atlantis for the first time. It was done like that to make things more seamless, like it was already ingame.
Note2: Book will be in your inventory, just read it like any other book or note and menu with options will pop up.
Starborn will develop needs for food, thirst and rest. Each NEED has several degrees of penalties: from the most moderately harmless to the critically serious.
Each NEED has its own filling scale with a limit of up to 125 points. For each in-game hour, a certain number of hunger, thirst and fatigue points will be depleted. Each NEED has its own number of points and its own depletion rate.
From 76 to 100 there are no penalties. Starting from 75 points, the first penalties will appear and as you become hungry, thirsty and tired, they will only increase. Maximum can be 4 penalties at a time.
There is also a special bonus called “Nutrition Manager” if you support a character needs beyond the normal limit.
From 101 to 125 a special useful bonus for the character begins to take effect. But it will only work if hunger and thirst are BOTH filled above normal levels. As soon as both or one of the needs falls below the excess norm, the bonus will immediately disappear.
Note: Bonus will not work if you are “Oversatieted”, read about this in the “OVERSATIATION” section.
Food only restores hunger.
Drinks (except alcoholic) restore thirst, but in some cases also fatigue, including if it is any type of energy drink or coffee.
Strong drinks worsen indicators of thirst and fatigue, but in some very rare cases they can also give a boost to fatigue too.
The use of drugs also worsens indicators, but unlike alcoholic beverages, drugs reduce all three indicators of NEEDS.
Items from each of the above categories are divided into gradations according to their impact on needs.
For example:
All kinds of snacks and simple food will give a very low increase in satisfying hunger, and fatty foods, especially with good bonuses, will give the maximum.
Simple harmful lemonades give the lowest increase in quenching thirst, milk or water the largest.
Weak chems and stimulants worsen your needs minimally, while stronger ones, with frequent use, will squeeze you dry.
Note: The number of points received for a particular NEED can be found in the item description.
Yeah, you heard it. Notification NEEDS, like your affliction and etc will pop on your WATCH HUD, to make it easier to track when to open up some BOOM POP! or everybodys favorite CHUNKS!
Note: notifications use some icons from some vanilla afflictions, nothing can do about this at the moment.
Just be aware that for example Hunger notification will be hiding under cracked leg affliction icon and vice verca. But at the end of the day it is not a big deal.
Eating and drinking consumables cause oversatiation, which subsequently leads to unpleasant temporary penalty
| Next consumed food and drink item will have zero effects |
You can consume food and non-alchoholic drinks until the “Oversatiation” status is completely filled, after which food and drinks will no longer provide any bonuses.
Keep in mind that the more nutritious and useful an item is, the more points it gives towards the Oversaturation status, thus faster you will get the penalty.
To fully deplete Oversatiation Points, you need to rest and sleep.
With the first rank of “Nutrition” perk food and non-alchoholic drinks will give twice as less oversatiation points.
All bonuses of such consumable items have been significantly increased to make them worthy of your stomach, but some decreased to maitain things balanced. “Nutrition” Perk also got some love and now it is worthwile to get.
Being oversatiated doesn’t affect your NEEDS except “Nutrition Manager” bonus. By consuming food or drinks you will restore your NEEDS as usually, it just while being oversatieted they will not give any effects.
Note: The goal of the mechanic is to make the player more thoughtfully choose what to eat or drink, and not to spam everything without any consequences.
If you manage to kill 10 targets in a short period of time and while beeing in battle, temporary adrenaline combat bonus will kick in, giving nice boost to your body and reflexes. But you need to keep up with killing your frags, because every 10 seconds count will go down.
After bonus ware offs there is a chance that you will get Adrenaline Aftermath penalty, which can be removed only by sleeping. While being under this penalty Adrenaline Rush can not be accumulated.
Adrenaline Rush:
| +50% melee damage, -50 carry Weight, +25% walk and run speed, +35% Reload Speed, +20% Crit Hit chance, +35% Jump Height |
Adrenaline Aftermath:
| -20% melee damage, -35 carry Weight, -15% walk and run speed, -20% Reload Speed, -10% Crit Hit chance, -20% Jump Height |
Several types of addictions that were not previously in the game have been added, such as:
Alcoholism: likely to occur by drinking strong drinks. The stronger the drink, the greater the likelihood of getting this addiction.
| -100% Critical hits chance, -25% reduced persuasion chance, -35% reload speed |
Note: In Vanilla critical chance has a specific pool, when you inflict damage this pool starts to fill, after getting to specific amount crit damage triggers. So -100% Critical hits chance doesn’t mean you will not get any, it justs means you WILL get it, but at much slower rate.
Caffeinophagia: likely to occur when consuming carbonated and especially energy drinks, as well as teas and coffee.
| +50% Increased oxygen use |
Cognitive Dissolution: likely to occur when using mind affecting stimulants such as: S.T.E.V.E, Addijack, Neurojack, Snake Oil, Synapse Alfa, Paramour, Hippolyta, Aurora. The more effective the stimulant, the higher the probability.
| Poor Aim Stability, -50% XP gain |
Paranoid Treatment: may occur after using Heart+, Med Pack, Trauma Pack or Emergency Kit.
| Healing effects from med items damage your health. Healing effects from med items are 75% less effective |
Heart attack: likely to occur when using very powerful chem concoction such as: Black Hole Heart, Dwarf Star Heart, Supermassive Black Heart and their equivalents, Panacea.
| -70% to Physical, Electromagnetic and Energy Resistance. -50% Health |
Vanilla “Stimulants Addiction” got some changes, such as:
Significantly harsher penalty.
| -75 Carry Capacity, -75% O2/Co2 Regen |
Note: All Addictions & Diseases now have subtle visual and audio effects when kick in, for better user notification.
Afflictions far more dangerous now with harsher penalties and more maddening detrimental effects. Also activated a couple more ways to get them such as:
– Chance to get affliction while being hit with automatic and non automatic weapons.
– Chance to get affliction while taking damage from creatures.
– Infections can now be spread.
– Effects/Items that cure afflictions now need some time for effects to kick in.
Food and drinking consumables have received improved bonuses and some important changes such as:
Food no longer restores oxygen and CO2.
Drinking no longer restores the player’s health.
Various foods now have a slow but long-lasting health restoration effect, but they can no longer be stacked as before. When consuming two different food consumables with a given effect, the strongest effect will always be chosen.
The same effects between food and drinking consumables, such as carry weight, bonus to EXP, damage resistance and others now can be combined with each other, and not replaced as before. In this case, the strongest effect will always be selected.
Note: All changes were made to ensure that useful consumables were always in use and complemented the player’s/each other’s choices, and did not lie around in the inventory or were not used for the sake of one or another consumable.
Note2: Sparkling water, Baguette, Bitten Sandwich, Synthameat Multi can not be tweaked in xEdit at the moment, because of the Reflection Data in them. So they are vanilla.
Med Packs, Trauma Packs and Emergency Kits now can be crafted.
Well Rested and Emotional Security extended to 1 hour.
1) Put StarfieldCustom.ini to the Documents\My Games\Starfield
if you already have this file then open it and add there these lines
2) Install Plugin.txt enabler, read its description carefully
3) If you are installing mod with mod manager then skip this phase, if manually then put ESP and BSA into your Starfield\Data (Steam Game folder, not documents)