StarWars Inspired Retextures
As I was looking through some of the outfits, a lil tingle in my mind told me “hey, you could starwarsify these” so that’s what I did.
So far there’s only 5 outfits to match their starwarsian counterparts:
– Han Solo – Sam Coe’s Outfit (forgot to add female version, will fix soon)
– Jedi Robes – Settler Casualwear
– Sith Robes – Settler Casualwear
– Luke’s award outfit – Argos/Miner Jacketed Jumpsuit (Argos has logo, Miner doesn’t)
– Rey – Andreja’s Outfit
These are by no means perfect, and they’re not supposed to be – think of them as more “Starfield wars”. They’re more just simple retextures to go along with many of the Star Wars mods on here (like the lightsabers and stormtroopers – you should totally check those out) I’m still learning a lot about modding so hopefully when we have the CK I can drop some real Star Wars apparel and have them standalone.
I plan to add more for sure, like turning the UC officer uniforms into more “imperial” styled to go along with the amazing Stormtrooper mod, and other ideas I have which I can hopefully bring to life.
I’m pretty much going to make, add and update these as any ideas come to me, but if you have any ideas on outfits that would work for X Star Wars style – let me know and I’ll see what I can do!