Stealthing on Scow – Stealth option for No Sudden Moves
– During the main quest “No Sudden Moves”, the game offers many secret doors and passages on The Scow for you to sneak up to the artifact.
– However, even if nobody witnesses the artifact being taken, all the guards will immediately turn hostile, and you will incur a bounty.
– This mod allows you to avoid this if you didn’t try to persuade Petrov and weren’t detected trespassing by the guards.
– If you attempted persuasion, alerted the guards, or attacked anyone, the quest will revert to the vanilla behaviour.
– After you have stealthily stolen the artifact, You will no longer have the option to have Petrov walk you down to the now empty display.
– You still need to sneak out. If guards detect you in off limits locations as you leave, they will still turn hostile.
– Papyrus scripts only.
– No plugin.
Whenever. Doesn’t matter.
Q: Maybe Petrov rigged the artifact up with an alarm or something.
A: I don’t care. The game is less fun if you can sneak all the way up to the artifact but still have to murder your way out.