U.C. Colonial Marines
This modification started off as a personal project but morphed into this. Originally meant to be a simple spacesuit retexture after being somewhat bummed at the lack of actual military themed gear, the project evolved into something else entirely. Hence we have the United Colonies Colonial Marine Corps as an overhaul and complete retexture of the Constellation spacesuits, companions, Vasco, and more. This consumed far too much time than it should’ve.
If you’re enjoying this mod don’t forget to endorse. Motivation helps in continuing this and future projects.
– A retextured Chronomark watch with neutral appropriate colors.
– Custom mil-themed markings, warning labels, and placards for suits and assets.
– Complete custom overhaul of the Constellation spacesuits to represent the U.C.C.M if they existed.
– Custom and updated textures, spec maps, AO maps, and normal maps for the spacesuits and packs.
– A hand-jammed (Photoshop) shoulder patch inspired by James Cameron’s 1986 Aliens but in keeping with Starfield vibes.
– All companions have had their left shoulder (that companion patch thing is a mess) patches removed and replaced with my U.C.C.M. patch.
– An overhauled Vasco meant to represent a combat support droid with appropriate mil-themed markings with most removed and others retextured entirely.
Special thanks to hexabit for his continued work on BAE without whom this wouldn’t have been possible. If you haven’t already, do the man a favor and go over and download it and give it an endorsement. It doesn’t matter if you have no intention of using it or know how.
This project is still considered incomplete and will evolve with updates going forward, hopefully with the release of the mod tools at some point in time in the near future.
Extract the Data folder into your Documents\My Games\Starfield Folder.
Ensure that you have a StarfieldCustom.ini document.
If not, create one and name it StarfieldCustom.ini and paste the following into the field.
Mods disable achievements. To ensure that mods do not conflict with achievement progress, please refer to the Achievement Enabler by Priqrade. Follow the steps provided and Happy Gaming.