Ultimate Starfield Configuration

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Ultimate Starfield Configuration

This is the configuration bat script for my Ultimate Starfield collection. It applies various reworking of the game’s configuration, and supports defining hotkeys/macros via native Starfield game interface (StarfieldCustom.ini)

You can apply this configuration by running it’s script:

bat UltimateStarfield

The script will automatically configure your StarfieldCustom.ini file in your Starfield user data folder for you! No need to splice together configurations, unless you would like to add/tweak this one! All you need to do is add this mod, and optionally all of the mods from the Ultimate Starfield collection via Vortex (or manually if you choose to do so)

If you would like to define custom keybinds that correspond to certain commands, you need to copy the StarfieldCustom.ini file that is installed by this mod to your Starfield user data folder. The file will be copied to your Starfield game install directory.

NOTE: Typically, the Starfield user data can be found at the following location: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Starfield

Core features:
Enable mods
Disable intro sequence + MOTD
Persistent install script, as well as a removal script

Gameplay tweaks:
Apply persistent configuration to load the file from the mod Burden Me Not
Apply persistent configuration to load the file from the mod Craftable Ammo and Utilities
Slightly skew Lockpick puzzle settings:

The minimum number of pins per key is now: Novice | Advanced | Expert | Master = 2 | 2 | 3 | 3
The maximum number of pins per key is now: Novice | Advanced | Expert | Master = 2 | 3 | 3 | 4
The total number of keys for each lock is now: Novice | Advanced | Expert | Master = 4 | 6 | 8 | 12
The minimum number of keys required to unlock one ring is now: Novice | Advanced | Expert | Master = 2 | 3 | 3 | 3
The minimum number of keys required to unlock one ring is now: Novice | Advanced | Expert | Master = 2 | 3 | 3 | 4
The total number of rings on locks is now: Novice | Advanced | Expert | Master = 2 | 3 | 3 | 4

Legendary Equipment spawning is more likely, proportionally scaling to higher difficulty. You are rewarded more the harder you challenge yourself.
NPCs no longer steal XP from kills
Outpost builder mode QoL improvements
There is also an optional command in the bat that you can uncomment to increase max outpost limit (this is a permanent option, the actual value is normally increased by skill progression):
;;Allow more outposts (this is here by example, incase you want to increase the default at start of game)
;;Vanilla Setting: player.setav OutpostMaxDeployed 8
;;player.forceav OutpostMaxDeployed 10
Pickpocketing is more realistic (increased min % from 0 -> 10, max % from 90 -> 100)
Items less than 100 credits are not a big deal in terms of theft
Faction hostility increased from 3 -> 7 days after commiting a crime
Shop vendors restock after 1 day instead of 2
Vendor sell price mult lowered
Ship registration mult decreased

QoL tweaks:
FoV set to 100 for FP + TP
Increase 3rd person zoom, QoL improvements
Better borderless window support (keep game active – make sure you pause if you tab out!)
Set landing site buffer to 1 – tweak this as you like, i’ve seen it increased up to 49! (I don’t need more than 1 of these at a time personally)
Increase cell buffers for exterior/interior 66% from game defaults (useful if you’re going back & forth from same location(s))
Improve Mouse3 wheel zoom increment
Camera mode QoL tweaks
Faster dialogue exit
Remove fade to black from loading screens
Enable consoles (via StarfieldConsole.ini definitions)
Console QoL – increase buffer
Hand scanner QoL – range increases
Quest marker range increases
Ship builder QoL
Spaceship FoV improvements, docking/looting range doubled
Surface map QoL

Realism/immersion tweaks:
Allow murder of “essential” NPC
Auto aim disabled (controller-specific feature)
Disable combat music
Health sponge has been completely removed for NPC and Player. Damage is now very deadly. Multis have been increased for each level, and it is also now equal damage for NPC vs Player. Ship incoming damage multi has been dramatically lowered by 87.5% to make ship2ship combat able to withstand the dramatic increases. The damage multis apply to ALL weapons in the game, including ship weapons! You better have your ass covered!
NPCs will consume ammo
NPCs cast light shadows
NPCs will “taunt” you appx. half the time that they normally would
NPCs are more likely to react with hostility when attacked
NPC combat AI has been tweaked greatly. There will be less duddery, and more “calculated response” when enemies are alerted
Stealth is now more realistic!

Player tweaks:
Relax faster after aggro/aiming
Reduce jump, power attack costs 25%
Reduce sprint costs 25%
Running out of oxygen (CO2 buildup) happens ~5x faster
Default run speed set slightly slower than default
Boostpack now requires you to hold down the jump button, instead of reacting to a single press
Boostpack drain rate decreased
Horizontal boostpack usage can be attained by setting the alt hotkey for Jump and using it
Mine detonation delay increased 50%
Scope fade nonexistent
Gun shell cases persist in plenty 🙂
Weapon reload speed multi increased
Weapon aim stability multi increased
Melee damage increased
Player persuasion now slightly more difficult at higher difficulties

Author: twsta
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