Unlimited Sprint

Starfield Mods |

Unlimited Sprint

This mod is experimental and stability has not been proven.
Use at your own risk.
Create a save before enabling, and know that anything can happen and you may have to go back to your old save.

Does exactly what you’d expect it to do; gives you unlimited sprint.

This does not give you infinite oxygen; rather, it just makes sprinting not drain oxygen. Everything else that drains Oxygen will continue to do so.

Installation Instructions:
Drop “UnlimitedSprint.esp” into Starfield’s Data Directory
Add the line “sTestFile1=UnlimitedSprint.esp” into your StarfieldCustom.ini under [General]

Note: If you have multiple .esp mods, you can change the number after
sTestFile to anything 1-10 (sTestFile3=UnlimitedSprint.esp for instance).

You will need an achievement enabler (as you’ll see because the game tells you).
I use this one and have verified that achievements work with ESP’s
loaded: https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=25679

Author: TroyIrving
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